
Sunday, August 19, 2018

3 Amazing Kitchen Tips

The very simple remedy for all to make your life simple and get the benefits using this tips.

Put The Lemon In Warm Water To Get Maximum Juice

To get maximum juice out of lemons, soak lemon in warm water and then juice them. warm the lemons in a water, warm lemons are softer an produce more juice as compared to room temperature lemons. take a bowl and fill it with warm water. the water should be warm is enough to feel you the warmth coming around the walls of the bowl.

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But Remember it should be not boiling and steaming. Put the lemons in the water and wait for an hour. when you put out from the bowl you feel the lemon warm. then roll the lemon and juice the lemon and you get more juice come out from the lemon.

Wrap The Plastic On Banana Stem To Slow Down The Speed Of Ripening 

Buying a dozen banana from the market and result in start race against time. as time passes the banana turn into soft and browny and not like for eating. Most of the banana eater doesn't know there is a way to slow down the ticking clock of ripening plastic wrap.  Next time, you buy a bunch of banana separate them and small plastic wrap them around the banana stem.

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The plastic wrap on the stem helps to contain ethylene gas, which banana produce naturally while they ripen. without plastic wrap, the ethylene gas spread on whole part the banana and result get the banana to ripen faster. this process, not completely stop the ripen of the banana but slow down the speed of ripening banana. wrap and avoid throwing the banana in the trash.

Avoid Crying, Chew Gum While Cutting Onions

To Avoid crying when cutting the onion, Crying while Cuttings onions is an ordinary cooking issue. There are chemicals in the onions that travel through the air and when they strike the back of your nasal cavity and eyes, you start to cry.

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There is an easy tip: gum. When chewing gum, you diffuse the smells that make you cry and you breathe through your mouth, so the chemicals don’t Hit your nasal cavity.
Also read, Miraculous specialties of Black Plum



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